
A guide on extending Lume with custom processors

A processor is a function to transform the content of pages just after the page is rendered. Let's see an example of a processor to minify HTML pages:

function minifyHTML(pages) {
  for (const page of pages) {
    page.content = minify(page.content);

If you want to use this processor to build your site, you can register it in the _config.js file:

site.process([".html"], minifyHTML);

Now, all HTML pages are minified.

The page object

As you can see in the previous example, the function receives an array of objects with the pages. The page object has not only the page content but much more data:

function process(pages) {
  for (const page of pages) {
    page.content; // The content of the page
    page.document; // The parsed HTML code, to use the DOM API
    page.src; // The info about the source file of this page; // All data available for this page (front matter merged with _data)

For example, let's say you only want to minify the pages with the value minify is true:

site.process([".html"], (pages) => {
  for (const page of pages) {
    if ( {
      page.content = minify(page.content);

Using the DOM API

You can use the DOM API (powered by deno-dom) with methods like querySelector, setAttribute, etc to modify HTML code. For example, let's create a processor to add automatically the alt attribute to all images:

site.process([".html"], (pages) => {
  for (const page of pages) {
    for (const img of page.document.querySelectorAll("img")) {
      if (!img.hasAttribute("alt")) {
        img.setAttribute("alt", "This is a random alt");

Process assets

For non-HTML pages (like CSS or JavaScript files), you can use the processors to compile CSS, minify JavaScript code or minify images.

site.process([".js"], function (pages) {
  for (const page of pages) {
    page.content = myBundler(page.content);

    // Append .min to the filename
    // so it will be saved as example.min.js =\.js$/, ".min.js");

Make sure the file extension that you want to process is previously loaded. See Loaders for more information about how to register a new loader.


If you need to execute a function before rendering (for example, to configure a custom template engine or add extra data to some pages), you can use a preprocessor. Preprocessors work like processors, but with they are executed before rendering.

Let's create a preprocessor to include a variable with the source filename:

site.preprocess([".html"], (pages) => {
  for (const page of pages) { = page.src.path + page.src.ext,

Create pages dynamically

Some processors can generate additional pages (or remove them). The second argument of the (pre)processors contains an array with all pages that are being processed. You can modify this array to add or remove pages dynamically. For example:

import { Page } from "lume/core/file.ts";

site.process([".css"], (pages, allPages) => {
  for (const page of pages) {
    // Minify the css content
    const { code, map } = myCssMinifier(page.content);

    // Update the page content
    page.content = code;

    // Create a new page with the source map
    const pageMap = Page.create({
      url: + ".map",
      content: map,

    // Add the page to the site

Remove pages dynamically

To remove a page dynamically you have to remove it from the array of pages in the second argument:

// Remove all html pages with the language = "en"
site.process([".html"], (pages, allPages) => {
  for (const page of pages) {
    if ( === "en") {
      // Search the page in allPages array and remove it
      allPages.splice(allPages.indexOf(page), 1);

How processors and preprocessors work

Both processors and preprocessors are tied to file extensions (.html, .js etc). To decide if a page must use a registered processor or preprocessor, Lume searches the extension of the input file (like .md or .vto) or the output file (like .html or .css).

Another interesting thing is they are executed in the same order as they are defined. This allows chaining different processors to the same file extension. For example: two processors for the .css extension, one to compile the code and another to minify.

Global (pre)processors

If you want to run a processor or preprocessor for all pages, use * in the first argument:

site.process("*", processAllPages);